Drainage Contractor

News Business
Funding fact sheet: May 25

May 18, 2021  By Bree Rody

Taxes could rise to fund drainage

ILLINOIS – Trustees of the village of Elk Grove discussed raising property taxes in the area in order to fund improvement projects including drainage. The estimated cost on the village’s infrastructure improvements, annually, is $4.75 million. The new fees have been deemed “likely.” | READ MORE

Watershed grants available

MAINE – Grants are currently available for interested property owners in the area of the Adams Pond and Knickerbocker Lake watersheds. The purpose of the grants is to provide financial and technical support for projects that reduce runoff and erosion in the nearby waterbodies. This includes installing vegetative native plant buffers as well as upgrading various systems. The grant will provide up to $1,000 in matching funds. | READ MORE

LOUISIANA – Northeastern Louisiana will be receiving a total of $5 million to be distributed by its steering committee under the Louisiana Watershed Initiative. The initiative seeks to distribute funding that improve flood prevention in the area at a macro, state-level, as opposed to hyper-local. Additionally, the state has $60 million in available, separate funding for flood prevention projects. | READ MORE

Funding awarded

PUERTO RICO – The USDA is investing $330 million nationwide in 85 different locally driven, public-private partnerships to address climate change, enhance soil health and more. Projects are awarded through the NRCS’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program. These projects include installation and enhancement of subsurface drainage. Recipients include Para la Naturaleza in the Caribbean Area, which will focus on watershed activities. The Caribbean Area’s priorities include excess water (runoff, ponding and flooding) as well as insufficient water and moisture management. | READ MORE

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