Drainage Contractor

Maverick Tile Finder

May 29, 2014  By Drainage Contractor administrator

The Maverick Tile Finder was designed to be a simple

May 29, 2014 – The Maverick Tile Finder was designed to be a simple, mobile, and power-free way to locate existing tile lines.

The user can insert the 3/8 fiberglass/plastic composite rod up a drainage tile, water or sewer line and connect the utility locator to it. The rod has a copper wire inside of it that transmits the signal up the line. The locator will then reveal the location and depth of the tile.

The rod has a length of 650 feet and the locator can read depths of up to 15 feet. The locator that is supplied with the unit can locate other utilities as well. The reel weighs 90 pounds and has a rewind crank system to aid in recoiling the cable. An optional Reese receiver platform can be mounted to a pick-up or UTV for added portability. www.gomaverickinc.com

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